Welcome to one crazy red headed woman's adventure through Israel. I have a tradition that for every birthday (December 30th) and New Year's Eve I need to travel to some place novel to ring in the new year. It's like a magical reset button for me. The original plan was to visit my niece in Australia, but thanks to exorbitant plane flights and other issues this didn't happen. So I consulted an expert or two on ideas and got a friendly txt back from Dr. Soffer that read "Israel, duh". Israel has always been on my bucket list and quickly went to "let's see if it's feasible" to "hell yeah, I'm doing this!". During my planning of this trip, a friend at the Hopi reservation, Pamela, asked if I was going to blog about it. Since then I've had multiple requests for pictures, emails, and txts from my trip. Suddenly I felt like I had a fan club I needed to please. :) Given that it's the 21st century and apparently the world isn't ending I thought I'd expand my technological skills to include blogging and make sharing my adventures that much more fun and easy.
Here is my itinerary, I'll touch base as I go along and hopefully you'll live vicariously through me, love my spirit of adventure, and laugh with me, at me, and around me. :)
12/23: depart LAX for Moscow
12/24: depart Moscow for Israel
12/24: enter Bethlehem for observation of midnight mass
12/25: Christmas in Bethlehem
12/26: Dead Sea, Masada
12/27-12/28: Jerusalem
12/29-12/30: Nazarath
12/31: Tiberias?, Golan Heights
12/31: Tzfat
1/1-1/2:Akko, Haifa
1/3-1/5: Jaffa, Tel Aviv
1/5: depart Tel Aviv to Moscow
1/6: depart Moscow to home
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