Monday, December 24, 2012

Lost in transit

Okay, every time I travel I manage to get myself into weird itineraries that push my limits and sanity. This time my itinerary isn't so bad, but the flight definitely was a test. I thought I was going to go crazy and strip naked. Good God, I know it's 30 below in Moscow but do we need the friggin' heat set to inferno on the plane? My seatmate and I were stripped down to tank tops with our pants rolled up sweating while trying to sleep. Meanwhile the flight attendants barely understood English so getting them do something about it was fruitless.

On a more positive note, I landed safely in Moscow and am waiting for my connection to Israel.  I'm having a bit of lost in translation moment sitting in the transit lounge next to representatives of my heritage at the Shannon's Irish Bar, while listening to one of the USC birthright kids learn to play the ukulele, and staring at signs in Cyrillic....where am I again?

Anyway, it was a great way to start a trip surrounded by these people who are so excited to travel to Israel and explore their heritage and faith. They were all smiles as we sat on the plane comparing itineraries and must sees. One of them was trying to convince me to hop on their bus...I'm half tempted.

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